Not too long ago, I received an interesting email from
Mom Central offering cash for a blog post. Well that got me interested and I kept reading . . . to apply, I had to submit in 100 words or less an idea for a post that would help make the lives of busy moms and their families better. So I submitted my idea and forgot about it.
Until yesterday. My idea was one of ten that was selected, and I'm getting $250 to publish my idea in a blog post! So I'm spending some time this week writing and re-writing and getting a couple girlfriends to help me out with proofreading. I'm a little nervous to post the article since it gets a little personal, but that was the intention of this to begin with, right? To reveal and share something in the hopes of reaching, and maybe even helping other Moms.

Has anyone else entered something like this before? Have you been paid for a blog post? I've reviewed sewing patterns in exchange for a copy of a pattern before, but hadn't heard of anything like this. And why don't you enter too? The new round of submissions starts on Feb 25 and they run four times a year, so start thinking of ideas! And for their US site,
go here.