January 10, 2014

kid-size oven mitts . . .

A birthday invitation came home for my middle daughter from one of her long-time friends, and I was running out of handmade gift ideas. My daughter and I decided on oven mitts (since the friend already has an apron from me) and my daughter took the task of selecting fabric, overseeing my work, and giving me instructions on which designs to use in my quilting.  I think my daughter did a great job bossing me around because the finish mitts are pretty cute - tutorial found here.

I used a layer of high quality batting, and a layer of insul-fleece to make them heat-resistant. Since the birthday girl is nine years old, I thought she might be starting to help out in the kitchen a bit like my daughters, so I better make them safe.


a Matula ikrek said... #

Such a lovely idea! Well done, ladies! :o)

a Matula ikrek said... #
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