August 16, 2013

Speeding up the morning routine . . .

We have four little ones, and our oldest (our 'tween'), is definitely our worst for getting up in the morning.  It doesn't matter if I turn on the light, strip her covers, or talk loudly - she doesn't come willingly out of bed.  We have found a couple things do help to get her out the door on time in the morning:

  • Make sure she picks out her outfit the night before
  • Have her bags and/or lunch packed the night before
  • Give her only one task at a time in the morning - she VERY easily gets distracted or forgets what she has to do next
  • Keep the television off in the mornings

Another thing we struggle with is getting breakfast in her. Many times she ends up out the door with a half-eaten bowl of cereal left behind on the table.  I was excited when the people over at YOP asked me to try out their drinkable yogurt.  This is a great solution for busy mornings, and we tried it out with basketball camp this past week.  All my kids found their favorite flavors, and I'm sure this will become part of our back-to-school morning routine.

Disclosure – I am participating in the Help YOP Help You Blogger Campaign by Mom Central Canada. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.


Qltr89 said... #

Your daughter is too funny. Do you think she is getting enough sleep?

Pam said... #

I remember my youngest sister going through this stage, I also remember mu dad becoming so annoyed at another morning listening to Mum trying to get her out of bed that he ran a cold bath, scooped her off the bed and dumped her in it. As shock treatment went it was hilarious, not really the thing to do and it did help. She only had to be called once from then on.