August 15, 2013

Shabby Apple dress review . . .

The lovely people over at Shabby Apple sent me a gorgeous dress to review!  The dress is called 'At First Sight' and it comes in a beautiful shade of purple.  I love the fit of the dress and quality of the fabric, and am looking forward to the cooler weather so I can wear it.

Shabby Apple has a fantastic selection of vintage clothing including dresses, tops, skirts, shoes, and accessories.  Here are some more of my favorites from their shop . . .

Check out their Facebook page to keep up to date on their new arrivals and sales!


Linda said... #

Cute! It looks comfy too.Enjoy!

Sherry said... #

That is a great dress. I have not owned a dress from Shabby Apple but have seen pictures on blogs. I will have to take a closer look.