June 23, 2012

We're on Summer Holidays!!

We're so excited to be enjoying Summer holidays around here!  Sleeping in, and staying up later are just a couple of the perks.  We also have swimming lessons, gymnastics, and camping all booked; and there will be lots of daytrips and bike rides.  We're also going to plan some Daddy dates to the movies for the girls.

Kinder Canada has teamed up with DreamWorks to promote the new movie Madagascar 3 - a great date night or matinee to watch with your kids this Summer!  And a couple Kinder Surprises make a great snack afterwards - you can pick up some at your local store with Madagascar toys inside.  What do you have planned with your kids this Summer?

Disclosure: I’m part of the Kinder® Mom program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

1 comment:

DangAndBlast! said... #

I wish they weren't illegal here (can't have inedible things inside food)... but I have found a few stores who have smuggled in contraband ones, so I had three this year (all marked in Czech!).