November 13, 2012

Winning fabric on Pinterest?

I am not super-savvy with all the social media stuff out there, but I have been trying.  I just recently got on board with Pinterest, and have had fun playing around with it.  Our computer lost a bunch of files last week, and all my favourites disappeared - so I like that I can keep them safely online now.  I also upgraded my old flip phone to a smartphone a month ago, and just uploaded the Pinterest app today.  Anyone have any other recommendations for some sewing/quilting apps?  I'm having fun discovering all this stuff . . .

Fresh Squeezed Fabrics is having a pin-it-to-win-it contest.  You just have to pin one of their bundles, and get people to repin it.  I decided to take chance with a small bundle and a big one.  Would you please re-pin them for me?  Just click on the pics below.  And it doesn't seem like a lot of people are entering this contest so far - so if you also want to enter, just leave your link in the comments so I can repin yours :)


Heather D. said... # 1

I re-pinned both of yours. Good luck!

Allison C said... # 2

I repinned both. Can you and anyone else who feels up to it repin mine?


Mom2RyandSis said... # 3

I repinned both. You already pinned mine. Thanks :) is my link if anyone would like to repin I will return the favor. Good Luck Everyone!

JuneBug said... # 4

Did it - will you do mine?