October 04, 2012

A chance to win $$ for your school . . .

So it's already October . . . the leaves are changing and the mornings are cooler.  My girls are back in school, and I honestly thought that I would also be getting back to my hobbies.  I was wrong.  September brought a charity quilt project that kept me busy for a couple weeks, and then an apple pie fundraiser for my girls' school which I also played a part in organizing.  Being back to school has also brought field-trips,  seasonal colds, and one of my daughters also had her birthday party last week.  So, maybe October is supposed to slow down for me?

My husband and I were both put through a private Christian education, and my children are now in the same school system.  It has a lot of benefits - including the parents getting to be directly involved in the running of the school.  I have a position on our Ladies Aid board, which raises a lot of fundraising dollars throughout the year, and we get to decide what additional items to purchase for the kids and school with that money.

Lysol Canada is hosting a photo contest on Facebook - it's a chance to win $10,000 for the winner and $10,000 to the school of their choice!  All you have to do is upload a picture of your child or grandchild and make it go with the theme 'a child who touches everything'.  They already have some great pictures in their photo gallery to give you some ideas.

Disclosure: I am part of the Lysol® Healthy Families Ambassador Program by Mom Central. I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group.  The opinions on this blog are my own.

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