July 31, 2011

Winners to announce!

I'm a little late in announcing these winners. We were gone for some relaxing holidays this past week, but had vehicle trouble on the way home. Our van needed to be towed for the final stretch, and now we're looking at the possiblility of replacing or fixing it. Good thing I'm married to a mechanic, but it's still an expense we weren't expecting to face right now. And since our tent trailer is stuck in another town till tomorrow, I'm still in holiday mode ~ not a load of laundry even has to be done right now because everything's in the trailer.

Well, back to the reason you really checked on this post:

The three winners from the Riley Blake Giveaway are:
Congratulations to Stray Stitches, Kristy, and Sandy!

And the winner of the Rockin' Green giveaway is:
Congratulations to The Green House!

I'll email you sometime tomorrow if you don't get to me first. And there's also going to be another sponsored giveaway posted tomorrow from The Sproutz Store for a gorgeous quilt kit ~ make sure to check back and enter for that one!

Now I'll go back to my relaxing cup of coffee and stack of emails. My sewing machine was serviced while I was gone and I'm hoping to get some time to work on some new projects this week. Hope you are all having a wonderful Summer!


Stray Stitches (Linda G) said... #

Woohoo!!! Thank you so very much! I'm a very happy winner. Congrats to the all the winners!!

Kristy said... #

Thank you! Just emailed!

Anonymous said... #
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