May 22, 2009

Two more Gracie dresses . . .

So the other two Portabellopixie Gracie dresses are done! The third one is for my niece so the three girls can match at a family wedding next month. The fabric is from Heather Bailey's Pop Garden - three different colorways of the Peonies print. I'm happy to have this project done (on time!) but now I really need to get the flowergirl dress finished for Alyssa - that one is a bit more of a challenge. I also offered to make some matching ties for the ringbearers so I'm hoping to get some time in the sewing room in the next week and stay focused on getting those done before I get side-tracked into a different project.


Pauline Perh said... # 1

Oh..... these dresses are lovely!

Margaret Aikema said... # 2

Just beautiful, Becca!!! The girls will all shine at the wedding. xoxoxoxoxo......xo

Sue said... # 3

very cute! Can't wait to see the girls wearing them on the wedding!:)

Alisa said... # 4

LOVE them! Very nice.

Anonymous said... # 5

They're really cute! Have you tried the Oliver + S patterns?