August 22, 2008

A charity quilt

I was given a bunch of fabric from an aunt and wanted to make some quilts for the Pro-Life Society with them. Then Amanda-Jean, one of my all time favorite bloggers, started a baby quilt week because she also wanted to make some for charity. So yesterday I got the first top done. I want to make a couple more and then quilt them all at once so I can drop them off together. My biggest challenge when making gifts for others seems to be one of my girls trying to claim it as theirs first.


Anonymous said... #

WOW! does Alyssa look like Elayna in that pic. Love the quilt top and such a great cause too.

Amanda Jean said... #

that is one cute quilt! I know my boys like to claim what I make for gifts, too. :)

Amanda Jean said... #

also, I forgot to thank you for joining in on baby quilt week! :)