May 19, 2015

Princess dress sewing...

While in Disney, we did a dress-up Princess day. We split up from the boys, and used all our fast passes to meet some royalty and get signatures. It was a lot of fun, and even the older girls got right into it.

My oldest wanted to be Pocahontas, so we used a light cotton for the dress, added some white fringe, and a belt. We also darkened her hair and face a bit. The dress was just a pull-over the head style, so super simple to make. And since it was a hot day, she loved how cool it was.

My middle daughter has waist-length curly hair, so Merida was an easy choice for her. The dress was made from a light cotton, with some lace detail, and we added a belt and a pouch for her bow. We also dyed her blonde locks to orange (which was a hard color to find!).

For my youngest, I cheaped out and bought an Anna dress off of Ebay. Tonnes can be found there for about $10/each and she loved matching her cousin that dressed us as Elsa. Sometimes, convenience and price win over sewing.

1 comment:

Margaret Aikema said... # 1

....and beautiful princesses you all are. It must have been a lot of fun. Sending hugs!