April 22, 2015

still here . . .

So yes, I am alive and somewhat well. Life has been going on not quite like I'd planned over the past few months. We did go on a fantastic family vacation to the most wonderful place on earth. The kids were fantastic, weather was beautiful, and Disney was magical.

During the visit, I ended up in a Florida hospital in pain. And no answers. I have been struggling with this pain for the past couple months, but this was the hardest it had hit me yet. Then this past weekend, it came again, even worse. Thankfully I was home this time, and was able to follow up with a specialist and get some proper answers. Surgery has been scheduled, and I am looking forward to being off of pain meds and back to a normal life.

I have a couple crafty-items to share, a tutorial should be up shortly on the Bear Creek Quilting blog, using the gorgeous new Moda Mistletoe Lane line. Think ice skates, dots, plaids and other sweet small prints.

And I have another set of beautiful fabrics here from the Who's Who line by Fabri-Quilt. One of the prints is in a quilted fabric, which I will be turning into a tutorial for their Inspired by Fabric blog soon.

1 comment:

barbaradougherty126 said... # 1

:( boo on the pain. I hope you got most of your fun in first. So sorry. Prayers your way.