March 25, 2014

sneak peek...

We're in the middle of Spring Break over here - so far we've made trips to the park and the library, visited with friends, had eye appointments, and spend a morning at the pool. I've only had a bit of sewing time, but this is something I've been working on... a tutorial for a divided bag.

This bag is just my sample, and I need to tweak a couple measurements.  It's a quick sew and uses five fat quarters. It could be used as a project bag, or I plan to make one for myself to take to the gym (it fits my runners nicely in one half).

The tutorial will be posted here and on the Sew Sisters blog (along with a giveaway) the second week of April. I'll be using a set of Kona solids from their Kona Club.


Staci said... #

This bag looks like great fun! Looking forward to seeing more about it!

Vicki in MN said... #

Love your bag, I will be watching for the tute! thank you :-)

Patti said... #

Looking forward to your tutorial! This is the bag of my dreams!

tink's mom said... #

So glad you are working on a tutorial. I saw a super cheap version (no lineing) at the food store that was designed to carry wine bottles and I thought I'd love to try and make one. You apparently don't know what that's like since you actually did it. So looking forward to trying it.

Katelyn @ Sing While Crafting said... #

Super cute bag! Excited to see your tutorial!

Connie Kresin Campbell said... #

What a neat bag Rebecca!! I can't wait for the tutorial! Thanks for sharing.
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