May 31, 2013

tween aprons . . .

Some fabric arrived at my house recently - bright beautiful prints from Cynthia Rowley's new collection called Paintbox.  And the fabric was sent to me directly from Michael Miller Fabrics!  The first project that I thought of making when I saw them is aprons.  Can't you see a table of kiddos concentrating on art projects wearing these prints?

So today my oldest daughter was my assistant as we made a couple aprons for birthday gifts.  I've deemed these to be tween size, and am trying to deny the fact that my oldest daughter is entering this stage.

Of course my little guy had to jump in the photo op, so here is a picture of my big kid and my little kid.

Hope everyone is having a fabulous week!  I'm off to Sports Day and hoping for some sunshine.


Heather D. said... #

Very very cute! Love that the little guy had to get in on the photo too. :)

We had track & field day this past Monday and it POURED all day. Oh, it was also windy. Ugh. My kids have done it enough times that they know the drill, and they actually LIKE track & field which I can't imagine, haha, so I didn't go watch at all until the very last event which was enough time out in the rain for me!!!

Qltr89 said... #

The aprons turned out nice! Your children look beautiful; they have such big smiles. Wow, I suddenly miss my son who is deployed to Afghanistan. said... #

LOVE those aprons and your children are adorable!!!

jeifner said... #

How fun! Her fabric for this line is just so colorful and great for summer.

Lucy | Charm About You said... #

They are adorable... the kids and the aprons!
The fabric for the pockets is so gorgeous and perfect for this project!
Thanks for linking up :)

trish said... #

Your aprons are so cute. :0)

Unknown said... #

Awe, how darn cute is that little boy! They look so happy together, that's just awesome.. and the aprons rock too :) This made me smile today!