May 28, 2013

Our little getwaway and a WINNER . . .

Last week the hubby and I escaped for three nights on a mini cruise.  The food was AMAZING, the scenery was breathtaking, and to top it all off - I spent a few hours in the spa getting pampered.  I also stumbled upon two great quilt shops in the towns we visited.

Kismet Quilts was full of designer fabric, and had this long-arm machine on display.  Wish I could go back and watch them quilt on it . . .

And the other shop was Undercover Quilts - a little shop that was packed FULL of fabric and completed quilts, and had some great pricing.  I walked out of there with some nice yardage for my stash.

Thank-you to everyone who checked out my beach bag tutorial!  The winner of the fat quarter bundle is Colleen!  I'll send you an email.