November 17, 2011

Riley Blake Home Decor contest - voting open!

Riley Blake has been hosting online contests for the past several months.  The winners for their Clothing and Quilts categories have already been chosen, but their third contest for Home Decor was just narrowed down to the top 10 and is open for voting!

My entry didn't make it, but an online friend Michelle made it to the finals!  Didn't she do an amazing job on this set for her little girls room?  

So why don't you head on over, pick your favourite entry and cast your vote!


Michelle @ Barabooboo said... #

Oh my gosh, I just noticed this on your blog! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! I have had a really bad week ( my daughter dumped boiling water on her head/face and back) when I noticed this it really lifted my spirits!
Michelle :)

**nicke... said... #

that is one super cute cathedral window pillow cover! so so cute!

Anonymous said... #

this is such a wonderful

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