March 20, 2008

More Fabric Shopping . . .

Well, I am no longer a "Jo-Ann's virgin". I made the cross-border trek today with a good friend and a good sis' and we hit a huge sale. My jaw dropped a few times when I saw another part of the fabric section, and then another, and then another. I could've bought ten times what I bought, but thankfully I had a bit of a shopping list and some restraint (and thankfully I wasn't in need of any scrapbooking supplies because then I could've spent the whole day there!). I am definitely going back - but I better tackle some projects first! I've been itching to start on some this past week but my sewing room is non-functional right now. But hubby and my good sis's hubby are busy putting together the desk in there tonight (which was too complicated to be a one-man job) and I am hoping to put things back to order tomorrow.Seersucker for sundresses and Summer outfits.Flannel for a rag blanket.

More than enough cottons to finish off Chantel's quilt (including the backing).


Anonymous said... #

Awesome fabrics Rebecca!! I love all the colours and patterns and how they all go together. Can't wait to see how the projects turn out. Have fun!

Anonymous said... #

I'm jealous Becca!!!!!!!!!! Those fabrics are gorgeous. Can you imagine if I'd been along with you. Don't believe that I possess your control in a store. Remember the last time we shopped. But really, I'm pleased that you found what you wanted, and I know that it won't be hard to find the time when you have such beautiful stuff in your stash. The hardest part sometimes is finding the right pattern or design. So long!