As I've mentioned a few times, we've been cloth diapering with Justin. I had "tried" cloth diapering a couple times with the girls, with fitteds and covers, and hated it. But before Justin was born, I had looked into all the options out there and decided to give it a "real" try this time, but with the all-in-one kind of cloth diapers. Basically, it's just like a disposable diaper (one piece) that you throw in the wash. And because he's a nursed baby, all I have to do is put the washing machine through an exta rinse cycle before the wash cycle. Super easy. And since Justin's been born, we've discovered his sensitive skin issues, which make cloth diapering a good choice for him. I've been experimenting with different styles like pockets (that you stuff) and all-in-two's (where you snap in the liner) - both of these have quicker drying times than AIO's - and discovered all the cute colors and prints that everything is available in. It's a whole new online world when you get into cloth diapering. So I have been enjoying it, and after three months of using mostly sized small diapers, I sold my stash on an online swapping community and Craigslist, and got into size mediums and one-size diapers.
And then today, while catching up on some blog reading, I came accross a one size cloth diaper event on a blog called Take Time to Smell the Rose. Starting on January 1st, they are going to be doing reviews on 22 different brands of one sized cloth diapers and a bunch of them will be offering giveaways. And by posting about this, I get extra entries into all those giveaways. So since I'm interested in trying out new kinds, it will be great to get recommendations of what I should try next (and of course winning some would be great!).