I've been having fun on my new serger and decided to try some baby shoes. I used this tutorial but think I'll have to find one with bigger sizes since I hate guessing with enlarging a pattern - the ones I made just fit Alyssa.
We went to a couple fabric stores yesterday and they were giving out swatches of fabric at the till - so the girls picked out three each and wanted me to make them into something. So we added some of my scraps and they each "designed" a little doll blanket. They really seem to match their tastes - Elayna's very feminine and simple and Chantel's more busy and different. Elayna's been getting close to writing her name out by herself and she had to attach it with clips to the top of her quilt. Chantel couldn't wait for me to finish the back of hers so I'll have to finish it off another day so she can play with it today.