June 11, 2015

Overnight bag tutorial and GIVEAWAY

CONGRATULATIONS LORI! Hope you're enjoying your giveaway prize!

Today I have an Overnight Bag tutorial to share on the Fabri-Quilt blog, and I'm hosting a giveaway for you to make one right here!

This bag is an easy sew, using Fabri-Quilts pre-quilted fabric. They have many prints to choose from; the fabric line I selected for mine is called Who's Who featuring some sweet little owls and butterflies, perfect for my sweet little eight-year old.

So do you want to win three yards of Who's Who fabric so you can make one for yourself? I've made up a little collage of some of Fabri-Quilt's pre-quilted fabrics. Leave a comment below letting me know which one is your favourite, or suggest a project using pre-quilted fabric - I'm thinking of pencil pouches, a new cover for my serger, and a quick table topper.  Then hop on over to the Fabri-Quilt blog and leave a comment on the tutorial post for a bonus entry. Good luck!


Judy H said... # 1

Pick one? I would probably choose Asian Fanfare if making a bag for my oldest daughter. And I like blue, so the Indigo Blues is appealing for me, but then so is the Chelsea and Morriston. I'll just take them all!

amy said... # 2

Indigo blues would be gorgeous for this pattern!

Little Ella Lu said... # 3

I like Indigo Blues, but after looking at their website I like Bedford Place more.

Ashley said... # 4

I like the Morriston fabric and the asian fanfare!

Irishoday28 said... # 5

I like the fashionista. Actually, I love it!! I love the red heels with the accent black! I would want to make the awesome bag with those. Thanks for the giveaway & good luck all!

Crickett said... # 6

I love Asian Fanfare because it reminds me of a honeycomb and Fashionista just because I like shoes! I make tote bags and purses. Both of these would be great for them!

Danette said... # 7

I like "Fashionista". Too cute! thank you, peterstankovich@comcast.net

Tumlaren said... # 8

I like indigo Blues very much!

craftyccain said... # 9

I like them all, but the Morriston is what catches my eye! :) Love the bag, have grandkids that are just now getting old enough to want to stay at Nana's house. Might have to make one of these for those occasions. :)

Vicki H said... # 10

My favorite is Indigo Blues.

Barbara O. said... # 11

I'd pick Asian Fanfare, the combo is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance!

Bobbie said... # 12

Indigo blues is great and I like chelsea too!

Alcea Rosea 31 said... # 13

Chelsea is an elegant combination for a bag. I love the style of the bag.

haddie said... # 14
This comment has been removed by the author.
haddie said... # 15

This is just wonderful and thank you for taking the time to show us how to do it.... And the chance to win too!! I just love the Indigo blues... Im looking now at pre quilted for many ideas.... Happy day!!!

Quilt Mouse said... # 16

Such a cute model! I guess I'd select the Asian Fanfare - just love the colors!

Katy M said... # 17

Indigo Blues is my favourite, I think a quilted sewing machine cover would also be great :) x

teachpany said... # 18

I like Indigo Blues. I love your design for the bag. I have some quilted fabric I purchased, and may make it. I've made a backpack out of it, but think there's enough left for a tote. Thanks!

Elizabeth said... # 19

It's so hard to choose just one! I like Indigo Blues and Fashionista.

barbara woods said... # 20

love the indigo blue

Rita said... # 21

So hard to choose. I like Indigo Blues and Chelsea.

Lisa England said... # 22

I looked at the quilted fabrics on their website and was impressed by the big selection! And I like so many of them! If I had to pick a favorite I think it would be Quilted Calypso Frogs.

barbaradougherty126 said... # 23

I love the Chelsea! So pretty. But it is hard to pick just one.

erin mcsweeney said... # 24

Morriston is my favorite..thanks for the giveaway


Linda Gagliano said... # 25

Hmmm on this page I like Indigo Blues, I've been really into blue lately it seems. Quilted fabric is good for any project since it saves some time and work. I like the idea of doing a striping using quilted fabric and non-quilted fabric for a different type of texture. I'll have to try that!

sewok said... # 26

Well I love Morristown but Indigo Blues is calling to my heart. Of course the little girl next door is hoping to be pregnant soon and Mesa Verde would make a great bag for her! Thanks for a chance at a great give-away. Phyllis

Julie said... # 27

I love Fashionista because I love Shoes! thanks for the chance to win.

OhioLori said... # 28

I love the "Chelsea"...and on their Site...also love "Lagoon"!!!

Your Overnight Bag is Awesome! Thanks for sharing your Tutorial! :)

Anonymous said... # 29

Indigo Blues has definitely caught my eye. The first thing I'd make with it is a summer lap blanket. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Jayne said... # 30

What a great bag! I think Mesa Verde is perfect for me! Thank you!

Unknown said... # 31

Pre-quilted fabric is a great idea - I'm not that great at machine quilting yet! I like Chelsea, but Morriston is my favourite! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said... # 32

Oops, forgot to leave my name - Linda T at ltenhage@gmail.com

Shannon Wallace said... # 33

Oh, I just love that bag you made!!!

Asian Fanfare :)

Shannon W.

Janet Sabol said... # 34

I like the Indigo Blues and am thinking this bag pattern would be perfect for a local clinic that provides pregnancy testing for women without insurance. They are in need of diaper bags and would greatly appreciate our quilt guild sewing some for women who take parenting classes.

Unknown said... # 35

I love the Morriston and Chelsea.

usagypsy said... # 36

Morriston is so pretty! This fabric would not only make gorgeous bags, but it would be wonderful for a case for my techie toys too :)

Christine said... # 37

What a great bag, It would look wonderful in the Indigo blues.

mary mahoo said... # 38

I love the Morriston, and wish I had the nerve to have a big boxy jacket made out of it,,,like I did when I was in high school! Toastiest jacket I ever had I think.

Pamela said... # 39

Your bag is gorgeous, and so is all this fabric! I love the Morriston. Thanks for the chance to win!

valerie boudier said... # 40

Hard to choose but I think I like Fashionista the best valerie.boudier@ntlworld.com

Beth said... # 41

Indigo blues is my favorite.

tktl said... # 42

Morriston is my favorite!

t_ktl at yahoo.com

Jill R. said... # 43

I love the Mesa verde the best. It's different from what I'm normally drawn to, but I like it!

Nancy said... # 44

I like the Indigo Blues

Chiska said... # 45

So fun! I love the Morriston one!

Rosa said... # 46

I chose Indigo blues !

Cloud 9 said... # 47

I like Mesa Verde but love the fabrics you made yours out of.

Unknown said... # 48

They are all gorgeous but my fav is Morriston. Thanks for the giveaway.

Jolien said... # 49

Love Fashionista! I think these fabrics would be great for a sewing machine & serger cover, I could use those. And pretty, matching ones would even be more awesome!

Who's who is great too, love that it's owly, but not childish. Great matching fabrics too. <3

Thanks for the chance!

Michele T said... # 50

Oh my gosh!!! I love the bag and the fabrics you used!!! It is my favourite!!!

Pattij said... # 51

I love the fashionista. I can totally see this for my daughter!
Evin5 at aol dot com

Anonymous said... # 52

I love the Fashionista. It looks like so much fun! Thanks!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

Beth said... # 53

My favorite is the Indigo Blues--hard to go wrong with a classic like blue and white.

Thanks for the tutorial and the giveaway.

Anonymous said... # 54

Love this bag...I really need some of the fashionista fabric. My local fabric shop does not carry pre-quilted fabrics.

Cecilia said... # 55

I love Fashionista! I would have to hide it from my daughters and granddaughters though! Thank you for the great tutorial and giveaway.