December 05, 2014

doll twister quilts...

My three girls each have an 18" doll that they love. My youngest does a lot of pretend play with hers, and the older two like posing them, dressing them up, and doing their hair. For Christmas this year, my hubby has been busy making doll beds for the three of them, and I've been working on doll quilts.

Now I know that I'm a little late getting on the Twister Quilt train, but I thought that these minis would be a perfect project for it. I had a bunch of charm packs laying around, so I just split them up into three color sets, pieced them, and then used the Twister ruler to cut and re-piece them.

And all those little scraps - I cut them up into squares and used them as side borders to widen the quilt a bit.

Now one is done, just two more to go!


Patchwork Polly said... # 1

Lucky girls! :)

JanineMarie said... # 2

Oh, your girls are going to love these!

Snowcatcher said... # 3

Those are going to be so cute!

Scooquilt said... # 4

This is beautiful! The girls will really remember this Christmas.

Unknown said... # 5

Sue said,
Love the quilts! Those sure are some lucky girls with talented parents. :)

Sew Much For Free Time said... # 6

I love these, and I'm sure your girls will, too. I recognize some of these fabrics! I have made zipper pouches and binder pencil pouches from a few of them. My girls (and friends)were the recipients. How fun tonspoy them on your blog!

Deanna said... # 7

I think handmade gifts are best!

The girls are sure to cherish these for years.

Jolien said... # 8

Cute quilts, though main reason I comment here as well, is that I partly misunderstood your gems question. So it's really a girls-girls club, then I might have some ideas... :)

Salad spinner art. Easy, messy & fun. And those turkeys could turn into other stuff too I think... Maybe just peacocks?

Sock snakes. Just because everyone could make one and needs one, right? Feed the quilt-need early:

Fabric/paper stamping. Maybe even premade (cheap) cotton library bags? I love this idea to stamp with veggies: (though the matchbox with string and toilet paper rolls still work too. Or cut/slice potatoes into shapes? Or bottle-cap stamps with foam:

Tissue paper flowers, I used to make those for mother's day, for gran etc. Girls can cut their own petals or prepare a lot and let them just mix & match. Not shown here, but it's WAY easier to fold the napkin 3 (or 4) times so you get a pointy-triangle shape, you just need to round the edge and fold it open again. Tadaa, flower shape! Also, the thin paper napkins you can always split in 2 or 3 pieces, use the thin pieces, so much easier to fluff up. We always used simple straws as stems.

Sock monkeys or mitten chipmunks:

Pompon strings: I've seen so many on the Christmas market as well, single ornaments, pompons and other stuff, all strung together to get a... Well, decorative string. And yes, they're cute. Just go wild? I liked the ones with herbs a lot (cinnamon, bay leaves, dried mandarin, pepers etc), but there were also cute one's with wooden ornaments and pompons.

Now I'm out of ideas. And now I want (need) a crafty girl's club too.