July 25, 2014

Seamingly Smitten pattern tour...

Seamingly Smitten is an Etsy shop with simple modern patterns for women. This past week, I sewed up a couple of their Magazine Maxi Dress pattern. And I'm LOVING how easy these came together, and how comfortable they are to wear!

 For a limited time, get 50% off any pattern in their shop with the coupon code below:


Linda said... # 1

Great job on those!They look very comfortable! Enjoy your day!!

SuperMomNoCape said... # 2

The skirts turned out lovely!

Schulz Family said... # 3

visiting from crazy mum quilts. Gorgeous dresses

Gemini Jen NZ said... # 4

I am loving that blue skirt - absolutely gorgeous!

Jennifer said... # 5

Rebecca your dresses are FABULOUS!!! What FUN fabrics and a great fit!! Thank you so much for being part of the pattern tour!!
Jenny Hall
Seamingly Smitten