November 04, 2010

paci leashes . . .

My kids have all used a pacifier, and one thing I always make sure to use is a soother strap. I just don't want to take the chance that they lose it on an outing; or if it falls out of their mouth in the church nursery, the babysitters won't know who it belongs to and my kid will be the one screaming when I come for pick-up because they want it back.
Yes, my kids have all had a soother at one point and been addicted to them ~ but I'm still battling the dental and jaw problems from being a long-time finger-sucker, so my theory is that a soother is an easier habit to break. Plus, I really love being able to quiet them quickly when they hurt themselves or if they start losing it in the middle of the grocery store.
Anyways, the straps at stores are often velcro and I have gone through some of these in less than a month because the velcro wears out, or sewed them closed which created problems when the soother needed replacing. But, my solution came when I discovered how easy it was to order clips online, and make them myself. And I can even buy snaps with engraved images on them like butterflies, cars, and animals and match them up to the fabrics.
Now I've found another way to use up scrap fabric, and make cute straps that are usually only found in boutique kids stores. I've listed a bunch of them in my shop if you need some for a little one in your life.

And if you'd like to win one, I'll be giving some away to fans of my Facebook page.


Alisa said... #

Very cute, Rebecca! I noticed that you've sold a couple already. Way to go! :-)

by Daisy said... #

very cute and now more useful to me than ever ;)