May 20, 2010


There were so many great suggestions - thanks everyone! Some of them that I really liked were already taken, but I really like the one that I settled on - Our Busy Little Bunch. I wasn't sure at first if I wanted to stay similar to my old title, but well, it just works! So I'll be switching everything in the next little while and my new blog header is in the works!

The winners are . . .
Misty Creek (for being the first to suggest the new name) and
Mary Janes and Galoshes (by random number)

Thanks to everyone for participating! If you'd like one of these bags for yourself, check out the tutorial - it's a quick and rewarding project!


Doulanic said... #

Nice!! Congrats on figuring it all out! I would have been completely overwhelmed with all those comments!

Margaret Aikema said... #

Has a nice ring to it Becca.