November 19, 2008

A quilt for me . . .

I finished up this lap quilt for myself this past week. Over the past couple years, I've made quite a few baby quilts, a sampler wall hanging for myself, and some more quilts that have gone to my kids, charity, or fundraisers. So this is quite exciting for me to finally enjoy one myself. I already spent lots of time cozied up with it while I handstitched the binding, and hope this will be the first of many. I let Alyssa play with it for some pictures since she loves it too and she's much cuter than me. She tried to walk off with the blanket a few times while I was working on the binding exclaiming "my bwanket!" but I think she's figured it out now that it's Mommy's and not hers.

1 comment:

Shari said... # 1

Very nice, nice you can enjoy it everyday :)