So this is my post to admit that yes, Justin is a full-time cloth-diapered baby. I haven't bought disposable dipes for him for about three months - and I still have a handful left from that last package. (I do make the exception that I still put him in our church nursery with disposables on Sundays and for Tuesday morning bible study).
I still find the whole cloth-diapering thing a little out of my comfort zone; my circle of friends and family does not include many that have tried it. Thankfully there's a lot of online sites like
DiaperSwappers and personal blogs that offer reviews and advice. And I never cloth-diapered my girls so this is all new to me, but it was my baby that made me decide this - not the "green" factor, or even the money saving factor; those just both came as bonuses along the way. And I'm excited to report that Justin hasn't had any diaper rashes or eczema on his belly in months now!
So, just for fun, here's a pic of my "stash" to show you what's in our rotation right now. Most of these were bought new and a handful are from DiaperSwappers.

first row -
Fuzzi Bunz one-size pocket dipes (except the dark blue one is a size medium)
*picture of Justin at top of post -
TwinkleToes one-size in blue flame print
I do want to say that the dipes I use are EASY - I'm not really interested in folding or pinning, or even putting covers over top of fitted diapers. So there are more options to be more frugal or natural than the way that I've been doing this.
And I've been trying to convert Alyssa to cloth-diapering with very little success. She is so against it, that even after getting some special purple ones just for her, she refuses to wear them. Hopefully if I keep persisting, she'll just decide to potty-train instead. This is a pic of her during the ten minutes that I got her to wear one today (I'm pinning her legs down).